Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Packing up and Moving on

I've been asked by several people why it is that we decided to move. And really, it all started when we sold our house back in October and then never found another one to buy! We put our house on the market to see what would happen...and because we wanted to get off of the street we were on and into something just a little bit bigger. Well, we sold it without any problem...

As we searched for a new house, we realized that what we really wanted would cost more than we wanted to spend. I didn't mind working full time, but I also wanted the option to work less hours if the opportunity arose and with many of the houses that were available, I would need to be working full time. We were having a hard time justifying spending that much money on a house. We also travelled a fair amount during the Holidays and it was so neat to see Annaliese with her grandparents and her cousins and we realized the value in having family close by. After months of discussing, praying, and tossing around different ideas, we decided to move to Bellingham.

My parents flew down on Tuesday and helped us pack everything up. We decided to pack our stuff using the U-haul U-boxes; U-haul delivered several boxes, we packed them up and then they drive them up to WA for us. My dad and Kyle did a fantastic job packing them up...it was definitely a tetris game with our belongings!
 Our stuff lined up along the walls of the barn

 We had 4 of these boxes...we packed them and they deliver them to Washington for us!

 Trying to figure out the best way to get our very heavy mattresses down the steps

 Annaliese watching Grandpa and Daddy bring the mattress down the steps!

 She's a big helper!

Haleigh did a great job keeping herself entertained while everyone else worked:)

Once everything was all packed, we hit the road! Our first stop was to pick up some dry ice...I had a cooler full of breastmilk that I had pumped while I was working and I wanted it to come with us! The second stop was McDonald's for breakfast...all our food was given away or packed. And then we were on our way!
Haleigh rode in the truck with  Kyle and I...

and Annaliese was tucked in the middle of the Yukon with Grandpa and Grandma.

Kyle and my dad were pretty stellar drivers...they drove the entire way! On Thursday, we made it to Weed, CA. It was a bit of a rough night; Annaliese didn't want to go to bed and Haleigh woke up several times. Day #2 was a solid 12 hours of time in the car and we spent the night in Centralia, WA. It was a much smoother night and we all woke up a bit more rested! Both of the girls were excellent travellers; Haleigh slept a majority of the time and Annaliese kept Grandma and Grandpa entertained. They told stories, sang songs, ate snacks and colored (Thank you Amy for the present!)

Pretty drive!
Now that we are here, we are trying to figure out what life is going to look like. Annaliese loves having Mama and Bapa (Grandma and Grandpa) around and wakes up in the morning asking to play with 'Eliesa' (she has some name for cousin Elias that I can't quite figure out.) Kyle has had several interviews and we have started checking out different churches and gyms. I have restarted my half marathon training plan and it has led me on some beautiful trails!

Sunday, July 20, 2014

A few more Good-byes

These past few weeks have been filled with saying good-bye to people. While it has been so nice to hear the well-wishes from so many people, it has also been emotionally draining. The hardest part for me is that Annaliese isn't going to remember much of SLO and her friends here. She gets so excited about the time she gets to spend with Holden or the days spent at Amy's...and she won't remember it. 

 Good-bye party for Kyle with Alpha folks at Village Host 

 Annaliese with Kailey...Annaliese spent 2 days/week with Kailey while I went to work.

Stacey...one of my coworkers

 Parker and Claire, along with Annaliese, Haleigh, Grandma and myself in front of Bob and Linda's house. (Parker and Claire are Bob and Linda's grandkids and Annaliese was able to play with them whenever they came over!)

Jenn and I on the last day of Bible Study

Annaliese and Holden Prentice (Kyle hung out with them while Jenn and I were at Bible Study:) 

There have been so many others that we had to say goodbye to, and we are grateful for each and every friendship that was built during the time we were in San Luis Obispo. And while we are sad to part ways, we also bring with us all of the wonderful memories that were made!

Saturday, July 19, 2014

A hot summer weekend

We made one last trip to Dinuba before our big move in order to spend some quality time with the family. We arrived Thursday evening and stayed until later in the day on Sunday. Our time was spent at Grandma and Grandpa's house, swimming, walking the dogs and visiting with one another. There were moments of tears and there were moments of laughter.
Helping prepare dinner

Annaliese showing Grandpa what she's learned from Dr. B (he's our chiropractor!)

Friday morning Auntie Penny came over to say hello and get a little one on one time with Anneliese and Haleigh.

Friday afternoon, Momma Joan, Auntie Sarah, Reed and Kieran came over. Kieran and Haleigh had a little laughing fit when they first saw each other...I was outside in the pool with Annaliese. Uncle Jon was able to join us for dinner too. 

Haliegh and Auntie Sarah

 Momma Joan and Reed

 Kieran and Annaliese

 These two climbed into the chair and started reading together all by themselves! (Please note the matching socks)

The whole weekend was quite warm...perfect for swimming! Annaliese has been taking swimming lessons, so I was eager for her to get in the pool and practice her skills. She wasn't quite as excited as I was about it! We also brought Haleigh into the pool for her first swimming lesson! Kyle even dunked her...she wasn't so sure about that!

We filled the rest of our time with reading stories, playing with toys, and walking the dogs. 

 Watching the World Cup...looks like we might have a soccer fan on our hands!

 Walking with Grandpa along the ditch

 Don't worry...we didn't let Annaliese get too far behind:)

It was fun to see Brodie again. Grandma and Grandpa adopted him a few weeks ago and he appears to be loving his new home!

At one point on Sunday, Annaliese climbed up on Grandma's lap, looked up at her and said, "I'm moving to Washington. I'm going to miss you." I'm not sure how much Annaliese understands about the idea of moving, but she got that one right!