Sunday, June 1, 2014

Memorial Weekend Fun!

Memorial Day weekend is also the weekend for the Strawberry Festival in Arroyo Grande. The past several years I have run in the Strawberry Stampede, running either the 5K or the 10K. I debated doing the 5K this year. And then I remembered that I can hardly run 3 miles at this time...reality sunk in. I would not be running in it this year! 

So instead we decided to go closer to lunch time, eat hot dogs sold by the church youth group and wander around looking at all the interesting things people sell at these sorts of things. And of course, eat a few strawberries. 

 Drinking freshly made Strawberry Lemonade!

 Annaliese was fascinated with the camels...they sure are stinky, rather ugly animals!

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