Friday, June 20, 2014

Day in and day out...

As I mentioned in the last post, I returned to work at the beginning of June. My computer also decided to quit working and my phone is definitely not functioning at its best...all of which combine to make it difficult to do my weekly post! Fortunately I have been able to capture some of our daily activities on camera still and will attempt to do a quick recap here to share some of the cuteness that I experience every day!
 Tea party...I think this was their first time playing together:) 

 Sometime during May, the Amgen Bike Tour of California came through town and went past our house. We walked to the end of the driveway to watch the race. I'm pretty sure Annaliese was way more impressed with all the motorcycle cops that were on the course before and after the bikers!

 Story time

 Collecting eggs. Annaliese is very polite and always tells the chickens "thank you" as we walk back to the house!

 Haleigh's not quite sure what's going on here:)

Watching VeggieTales...Annaliese gets to watch one every morning while I pump...and since Haleigh was only wearing a diaper, Annaliese undressed herself so she could be just like Haleigh!

Happy Father's Day!

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