Monday, April 7, 2014

One Month

The days have passed by quickly, and today marks one month since little miss Haleigh joined our family. On the one hand, it's gone so fast and she is already getting so big. But on the other hand, I feel like she's been around forever and it's hard to remember what things were like without her. All the burp cloths lying around, the tiny clothes in the laundry, and the infant carseat seem like they've always been a part of the clutter around the house! 

So what does a day in the life of Haleigh look like? It's pretty much a constant cycle of eating, being awake and hanging out for a few minutes of awake-time, and then a nap. A diaper change accompanies each feeding:) We have decided that it's time for a schedule, so we are attempting to begin each day around 6:30 so that I can have Haleigh fed before Annaliese wakes up for the day. During the day, she usually eats about every 2 1/2 hours and then is awake for another 15-30 minutes before going down for her nap. She wakes up just in time to eat again:)

At night, things vary as far as sleep goes. We've had a few nights where we've gone 4 hours in between feedings; last night we were lucky to get 3 hours in between! Oh well...she's a growing girl!! 

We just switched to size 1 diapers and all of our newborn clothes are getting a bit snug. I'm a bit in denial about it...She weighed in at 9 lbs 14 oz this morning at the doctor which puts her in the 70th percentile for weight!! 

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