Wednesday, April 9, 2014

A Washington Vacation

Our niece Mallory and Haleigh were supposed to be 2 weeks apart; but they're actually 7 weeks apart. Knowing when they were both due, Kyle and I decided to plan a trip to Washington to meet our little niece and to introduce Haleigh to the rest of the family. Given her late arrival, she turned 4 weeks old on the trip! 

Our trip didn't start off as we'd hoped; the flight out of SLO was delayed by almost 6 hours! Kyle waited in line to figure out other options while I entertained Annaliese and fed Haleigh. By the time Kyle had things figured out and we got on a different flight, Annaliese had eaten half the snacks I'd packed and checked out the 'goodie bag' of things to do. Needless to say, I was a bit concerned about how the flight was going to go. But, my girls pulled through and did fantastic...even though we never had time to get dinner and didn't get into Seattle until 1:30 am. 

The first day we planned a trip to the Seattle Zoo, along with Auntie Kim, Uncle Thane, and Elias, and Auntie Kelsey and Mallory. We got off to a late start (we wanted to sleep in and Kyle made a run to Urgent Care to get some meds for his poison oak) but enjoyed a picnic lunch and checking out all the animals. 

 Cousin Mallory

 Mama and Mallory

 Haleigh and Annaliese

 Cousin Elias and Annaliese

 Bapa and Haleigh

 A Sloth Bear...who knew such a creature existed!

 Uncle Thane and Elias

 The hippo

From the zoo, we headed north to Bellingham and to Bapa and Mama's house. Unfortunately, we got stuck on a one-way street heading into downtown Seattle and lots of traffic. It was a pretty drive past the waterfront and ended up only delaying us by about half an hour...but it also resulted in a fender-bender (no damage was done.) 

Once in Bellingham, our days were filled with baking, hot-tubbing, a bit of tile-shopping, driving around the city and eating. Lots and lots of eating...if I wasn't eating, then Haleigh was!!

 Annaliese helped Mama get everything set up so that they were all ready to go when Elias arrived...I wish I had a video of her because she was so excited when he showed up...She could not wait to bake together!

 Blowing bubbles!!

 Auntie Kim and Annaliese

not exactly sure what Auntie Kim is doing...

Isn't this cute:) 

We also celebrated my parents birthday's while we were dad turned 60 this year! Kim and Kelsey put together a slideshow from some old slides that my dad had from way back when...We also enjoyed a delicious chocolate cake that Kim made. 

And we had to try for a few family pictures!

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