Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Summer Days

I had great plans to go to a summer swim day with ladies from my church last week. I had even envisioned the cute pictures of Annaliese swimming that I would be able to get and the blog post that would follow. But then we didn't go. I was tired. We were running late. Annaliese was a bit fussy. So there aren't going to be any cute pictures of Annaliese swimming.

I have, however, tried to capture some of our activities. I know I will be glad to look back some day and remember the everyday cuteness of my daughter!

 We decided to let her sit at the table with us for a snack. She thought it was the best thing ever! And
we thought it was pretty nice to have her with us too. I don't think it will be too long before I get her a booster seat and get rid of the high chair!

I'm not sure if this qualifies as a good laundry helper, but Annaliese is definitely an entertaining helper! I guess it doesn't matter if I have to refold everything twice!

 Trying on Daddy's shorts...she's sitting on the fireplace hearth. It seems to be her favorite place to sit these days.

 And now she has on my pajama shorts.

One night last weekend, Kyle decided that he wanted to make cinnamon rolls. From scratch. So we searched a few cookbooks, and finally found a recipe online that sounded good and relatively quick.
 I usually let Annaliese sit on one of the kitchen chairs and help me when I bake...but she was a little skeptical this time around!

 She decided she should probably taste-test this concoction Daddy was putting in the cinnamon rolls!

After Annaliese went to bed, Kyle and I sat outside, watched the sunset, and ate cinnamon rolls! They were delicious!

 Feeding Brodie a snack

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