Thursday, July 25, 2013

20 Months!

I know...19 months came and went just like that. It didn't even get it's own post. You'd think that would me quite a few changes in our schedule, but I just don't think that's the case!! Here's the run-down of our typical schedule:

Sleeping: Ever since we started swimming lessons a few weeks ago, we have gone back to 2 naps/day. The morning nap is not necessary if we have things to be doing and are out and about, but if we are home, Annaliese will go find her blanket and snooze for a good hour and a half before we go to lessons! She will usually go down for another nap around 1 and sleep for 2-2 1/2 hrs. Bedtime is still at 7pm and she sleeps all night, waking up around 6:30 most mornings. 

Clothes: Most of her things are 18 months. She has a few 12 month outfits that always seemed a bit big that fit wonderfully now! And, honestly, a lot of the 18 month pants are too long. However, I had her in this cute little 12 month outfit last week, and the pants were definitely capri-style and leaving little indents in her legs! I guess one could say we are at an 'in-between' stage where nothing fits quite right!

Shoes: Size 5- although some of them are a bit big; she's outgrown all of her size 4 shoes though...and she is not happy about it! She keeps trying to put on her sandals, which are in a bin in my room to put away, and then complains and says "ow, ow, ow" because they don't fit!!

Activities: Anything active! This child does not sit still at all! She loves swimming, swinging, being outside in general, playing with her legos, and turning the on/off switches on her toys. 

Food: Anything and everything...she loves yogurt, cottage cheese, actually any kind of cheese, strawberries, bananas, english muffins, eggo waffles, sausage. Basically, she eats whatever we eat! She is getting much better with a spoon and can feed herself her yogurt, oatmeal, or even soup! She loves to have two bowls and will transfer all her food back and forth from one bowl to the other, and then repeat. Again and again and again. 
 My mom had given me this yellow's one that I wore when I was a baby...that's me in the picture in the photo album!

Clearly not excited to be asked to stand next to the bear!

And here are a few other pictures from the last month...

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