Friday, May 3, 2013


Last weekend we celebrated Kyle's thirtieth birthday! Kinda weird...thirty means you are actually an adult. Like a responsible, mini-van driving, full-grown adult. It sounds like a whole new stage in life...but I guess we will find out what it likes like for us! (At this point, there is no mini-van. Nor any other major life changes!)

What it did mean was that we got to have a big party! We had lots of our friends and family come to Strother Park in Arroyo Grande to celebrate at the park. We played volleyball, bocce ball, cornhole, croquet, and Apples to Apples. There was even a pinata! 
Annaliese and Kyle making sure the volleyball court is good to go.

Croquet, anyone?

Annaliese and Grandpa

Dinner time...We had a friend cater for us...delicious tri-tip and barbecue chicken!

Instead of birthday cake, we had brownies, ice cream, and root beer floats. It was a bit windy, so it took a group effort and a very quick rendition of "Happy Birthday" to keep 30 candles lit long enough for Kyle to blow them out!

Thank you to everyone who was able to help us celebrate! 

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