Sunday, May 5, 2013

Auntie Kelsey Comes to Visit

Not only did we get to celebrate Kyle's birthday last weekend, we were able to hang out with Auntie Kelsey  for a week! She flew down from Seattle on Friday, just in time to help get things ready for the party! (I think she really came to see just happened to be Kyle's birthday too!)

Being from Seattle where rain is the norm, Auntie Kelsey was excited to see the sunshine and get outside every day! I think she even went home with a bit of a sunburn:)
 We found a delicious recipe for Honey Wheat Bread...Both Kelsey and Annaliese loved it!

We spent one morning visiting the animals at the Avila Valley Barn. Annaliese loved feeding the goats and sheep! First she watched some other little kids, then she walked up to them, took the lettuce out of their hands and fed it to the animals herself! We decided that we should get our own bag of lettuce after that!!

 Checking out the place!

I had to work while Auntie Kelsey was here, but that didn't stop her from taking Annaliese on a hike to Morro Bay and hanging out at the beach. We were also able to go the beach together one morning...the goal was to soak up as much Vitamin D as we could!

 Annaliese loves the water!

 We ran the Bob Jones Trail into Avila...once we got the beach, Annaliese was getting a bit antsy in her carseat, so she and Auntie Kelsey walked down to the water. Brodie and I stayed off the sand:)

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