Wednesday, August 28, 2024

The rest of Summer Vacation

 August started out with a camping trip to Silver Lake. It was supposed to be everyone, but Kelsey ended up helping a friend run a race near Mt. Hood, Kim and Elias got sick, and Mal and Owen signed up for swimming lessons. 

So Mom, Dad, the girls, Malachi, and I headed out to Silver Lake to camp. After getting all set up, we walked down to the lake. It was pretty warm out and Malachi was able to convince the girls that they should all go swimming. They jumped off the dock and had a great time.

The next morning Malachi woke up not feeling well so we sent him home and then spent the rest of the day at the lake. A nice gentleman from the campsite over helped us inflate the paddle boards, Mal and Owen showed up after swimming lessons and we all had fun. Grandma even stood up on the paddle board this time! 

The kids found a few small pieces of chalk lying around, and then a lady gave them a big box of chalk so they drew pictures and played hopscotch! 

Arm wrestling

Playing hot potato

These two kept the fire was a chilly morning!

Other fun activities have included an afternoon at the fair, playing at the park, and playing with cousins.

Haleigh did 11 pull-ups this year!

Annaliese did 5 pull-ups!

Holding a baby goat

Grandma found this fun project...everyone built bridges out of popsicle sticks!

Here we are, at the end of August already. School started this week and summer vacation has come to an end. It was a good summer. We had a good mix of activities, trips to the library, and time spent at home. Everyone was ready for the school year to start, which is always a good sign!

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