Monday, September 11, 2023

A New School Year

 School started the week before Labor Day, with a 3 1/2 day week, followed by a 4 day week, which was a nice way to ease into the school year. 

Lydia is in 1st Grade with Maestra Rizo this year. Both Annaliese and Haleigh had her when they were in 1st grade and she is just the best! Lydia is excited for the year, loves her classmates, and has already done an excellent job participating in class and learning her memory verses. We walk to the bus stop each morning, so here are a few pictures from the first week!

We brought chocolate chip cookies for a birthday treat!

Haleigh is in 4th Grade and has Maestra Liewen. She is a brand new teacher and has all the enthusiasm of someone brand new! She has lots of great ideas, loves the Spanish language, and I think she will be a good fit for Haleigh. 

Annaliese is in 6th Grade and has Mrs. VanZonneveld for her homeroom teacher, Mr. Terpstra for math, Bible, and keyboarding, and Senorita Rawls for language arts. All of her teachers seem like the right fit for Annaliese and I think she is going to learn a lot this year. Mrs. Van has been teaching sixth grade for 38 years and it is so obvious how much she loves teaching. Her passion for her job and for teaching the kids to love God, to be filled with grace, and to understand truth was very evident just in the few short conversations I've had with her. 

Busy working on homework!

We are excited to watch the girls continue to grow, to learn, and to make new friends. I went to Parent Night last week and I always come home reminded of why we pursue Christian education. There is nothing better than knowing that our teachers are praying over our kids and truly want them to be the best students and children of God that they can be. 

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