Friday, April 21, 2023

Still in Mexico

 Not everyone was able to go down to Soledad's house to work, so we tackled a few other projects as well. One day we went to town and cleaned up around the main park. We picked up bags and bags of trash, pulled a lot of weeds, and cleaned up the sports court area. It looked much better when we were done (but nobody took any before-and-after pics!)

Annaliese is in the orange hat

Kelly D. tackling the weeds!

Estella and Drea clearing off the court

We also did some weeding around the orphanage, put in a sidewalk along House 4 (where we were staying) and of course, the kids all spent lots of time playing together. 
Getting Easter eggs ready for the upcoming Sunday

Lydia and Haleigh helped shovel dirt for mixing the cement



Relaxing/Playing cards after a long day

Playing soccer- Annaliese is in the orange shirt

Haleigh and Lydia with Lupita

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