Friday, March 24, 2023

Grandpa and Grandma come for a visit

 Last week was the end of the third quarter at school which meant the girls had no school on Friday. The long weekend was the perfect opportunity for Grandpa Jay and Grandma Kelley to come for a visit. 

They left rainy California and came to sunny Washington (I'll never be able to say that again!) and we made good use of our time together. They were here before the girls got home from school on Thursday and we spent Thursday afternoon just hanging out, mostly playing games. Haleigh has eagerly been awaiting their arrival so she could open her last few birthday presents too!

Friday was chilly in the morning, but the afternoon was supposed to warm up to 60* and sunny so we spent the morning playing more cards and then ate an early lunch and headed to Surrey, BC to play mini-golf. I'm not sure I would go back to this particular place, but we all had fun and none of us have professional golfing in our future. 

Saturday was another nice day, so we decided to go for a hike. We wanted to avoid the Chuckanuts because there was a big race happening, so we ended up going to Little Mountain Park in Mt. Vernon. It was a very windy trail with poor signage, but it was pretty and we all enjoyed it.
This was what one section looked like on my Strava tracking! 

It was pretty steep in parts.

We made sure to be home in time to shower and get ready for our dinner reservations at Infusion Cuisine. Annaliese has been eagerly anticipating their Penne Pistachio Pasta since the last time we went (6 months ago!) We were all excited to see that the restaurant has expanded since we were last there and is now over twice as big...and the food is just as delicious as ever.

The rest of our time was filled with more card games, stories, playing basketball, and some baking! The time always goes by so quickly and we always love it when Grandpa and Grandma come to visit.

We played lots of cards! Nertz, Up and Down the River, Kings in the Corner, Spoons...

Baking Cupcakes


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