Friday, December 30, 2022

Christmas Break

 Here we are, at the end of a two-week Christmas break that has been filled with a wide range of activities. We've spent time with cousins, decorated Christmas cookies, 'skated' on our own ice rink in the front yard, and enjoyed a wonderful Christmas filled with so many fun gifts. 

In no particular order, here are a few pictures from the past two weeks.

Elias enjoying his steak and potato dinner!

Not quite sure what's happening credit: Lydia

Bitterly cold...and windy. Playing outside in deep snowdrifts!

Cookie decorating with Mallory, Owen, and Lucas (their next-door neighbor)

Kyle and the girls were taking silly pictures together!

Bitter cold snow, followed by freezing rain leads to this...

Getting some fresh air out at Birch Bay

Summit Trampoline Park

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