Friday, November 4, 2022


 Here's a summary of the month of October in pictures.

Playing games on a rainy afternoon.

School pictures!

I found this in our mailbox at church...Haleigh wrote it one night while we were at Bible Study!

Annaliese practicing her saxophone.

Giant cardboard cut-out of Kyle's book!

The neighbors are having lots of construction we asked them to pull out the giant stump leftover from a maple tree!

Building our new shed. It looks so much nicer than the old one!

Ice cream date!

Annaliese and I went to a 'True Girl' event at a local church- it was a fun night out together.

We wrapped up the month with trick-or-treating with Kim and Thane. Our church had a trunk-or-treat set up, so we we used church as our starting point and then went around the neighborhood by church. 

A couple of superheroes, a Minecraft character, and Rinaldo (a famous soccer player)

It's no surprise that this month passed quickly. I love looking back at pictures and reminding myself of all the fun things we pack into each week. 

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