Thursday, May 5, 2022

Mother's Day Tea

 Lydia's class had a Mother's Day Tea yesterday and she has been so excited about it for quite some time. Thankfully, I was able to get the day off work so I could go. There are 18 kids in her class and I only recognized a handful of the moms, which is such a sad reflection of how the school year has been as far as activities in the classroom. Senora Polinder even mentioned how this year has been so hard because she wasn't able to have parent volunteers in the classroom nearly as much as she would have liked. 

The kids sang a few songs, recited several Bible verses, and gave each Mom a little craft they made. We had tea and snacks and watched a cute slideshow of activities throughout the year. It was so fun! 

Showing off the butterfly we made1

After school, we decided to go get ice cream to celebrate that she has gotten stickers in her sticker book for ten days in a row! She can get three stickers each day: one for following directions the first time, one for following the group activity, and one for doing her work at her table when she is supposed to. The counselor and Senora Polinder have put a lot of time and effort to find out what works best for Lydia and earning stickers and getting positive reinforcement has been a game-changer this year. 

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