Monday, April 5, 2021


This past Sunday was Easter and I was so glad that I didn't have to work, the sun was shining, and we recently started attending a new church that we have really enjoyed! We had a leisurely morning, nothing too exciting, although the girls did get to open up their Easter 'baskets' and we had time to play with some of their new things outside before church. 

Church organized an Easter egg hunt and a small petting zoo after the service that the girls have been eagerly anticipating for weeks! We weren't quite sure what this petting zoo would entail, but they had a pony, a rooster, a few bunnies, and goats...including some baby goats! 

These baby goats are only 4 days old!

Reaching for an egg!

After lunch, Kelsey came over with Mallory and Owen, and Thane came over with Elias and Malachi and we spent the better part of the afternoon outside. The kids decorated the cul-de-sac with sidewalk chalk, rode scooters, played soccer and we did our own Easter egg hunt. 

Busy searching for eggs.

Hard to tell, but in the middle of this pic is a squirrel nibbling at an orange Easter egg!

It's pretty amazing to be able to celebrate know that despite all the chaos of the past year, we can still have hope. Death and the grave didn't win. Sin is not victorious. Nothing that happened this past year was a surprise. None of it is outside of God's plan. And on this beautiful day, we celebrate that Jesus won and we are welcomed into that victorious life!

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