Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Cross-Country Skiing

 We've been so busy working on our house that we haven't made it up to the snow until this past weekend. We woke up Saturday morning to beautiful weather (and we've realized we basically need perfect conditions in order for everyone to have fun) so we quickly packed up our snow gear and headed up to ski. Instead of heading to the Sno-Park, which is where we normally go because they have nice groomed trails, we decided to try Hannegan Pass Road, which is just on the other side of the river from the Sno-Park. It always takes longer than we want it to to get everyone dressed in their snow gear and onto skis, but once we were ready, the girls did amazing!! This was Lydia's first time and she loved almost all of it. It started snowing but the sun was shining and nobody got too cold. 

Catching snowflakes

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