Sunday, June 21, 2020

The beginning of summer vacation.

Summertime. The end of the school year, the end of distance learning and the end of slightly ridiculous amounts of screen time for all involved. I'd say our first few weeks of summer have gotten off to a pretty good start. There has been a lot of cousin time, strawberry picking, walks in the neighborhood, and even some beach time! The girls are learning how to do things like mow the grass (with a non-motorized push mower,) feed the birds, and water the garden with Grandpa. And Grandma has been teaching them how to paint some pretty incredible rocks!

Picking strawberries at Barbies Berries. We picked over 50 lbs and Grandma made 7 batches of freezer jam!

Picnic in the backyard!

Annaliese had her well-check at the doctor's office so we turned it into a little date. After her appointment, we attempted to go shopping for some new clothes but didn't find any good deals. So instead, we grabbed some lunch, a Dairy Queen Blizzard, and did some online shopping!

Annaliese's first time venturing out and wearing a mask.

Since Kyle had some time off this week (because he and Annaliese were supposed to be in Mexico,) we planned a family adventure. We loaded up bikes (thanks to Grandpa, Uncle Ben and Auntie Kelsey for lending us all the necessary equipment) and drove to Padilla Bay. There is a flat gravel path that is just over 4 miles round trip. It took a little bit of coaxing to get Haleigh started, but then there was no stopping her! She was much more relaxed during the second half of the ride and wouldn't stop talking the whole way back. We then went to a little hamburger place that was basically just a hamburger stand on the side of the was pretty busy so we took our food to a nearby park and then ended our day with Blizzards. 

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