Monday, April 6, 2020


As I've mentioned in the past few posts, March was an interesting month. It started off well, with Haleigh's birthday party and plans for more birthday celebrations for Malachi, Grandpa, and Grandma at the end of the month. 

Instead, this coronavirus took over and plans changed. March 13 was the last day of school for awhile and starting March 23, we began implementing online education. This has been a bit challenging, especially since the girls go to school in Spanish! We were able to borrow a computer from a friend and now, two weeks later, are getting a better feel for how the program works. We try to get outside every day, but with a stay-at-home order in place, it can be hard to do even that!! 

We take each day one at a time. We try to set up a routine. We try to come up with fun activities and things to keep us busy. And we do a lot of video chatting! 

Last weekend was cloudy and windy but we needed to get outside so we drove out to Semiahmoo and went for a little walk. 

That black dot in the middle out on the sandbar is a bald eagle!

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