Sunday, September 15, 2019

Lydia is 3!

Hard to believe my baby is three years old! She is full of personality, good hugs, and smiles but isn't afraid to stand her ground and throw a tantrum. She is a talker and likes to point out who is around her and what they are doing. She is quick to say 'thank you' and 'in a minute.' She loves coloring, reading books, and destroying whatever anyone else is building. 

We had a small birthday party for her and all she's wanted for months is a truck. And she has loved all the trucks she received!
It's a Menchies frozen-yogurt cake!

Trying to figure out how a remote control truck works!

Auntie Kelsey reading a story before we open presents.

Here's where we are as a 3-year-old:

Sleeping: At the end of August, we decided it was time to be done with the crib so we switched Lydia and Annaliese around...we gave Annaliese her own room, Haleigh moved to the top bunk and Lydia gets the bottom bunk. It's been a rough transition and most of the time, she ends up in the pack-n-play! There were several nights in a row where Kyle and I would find her laying on the floor in the middle of the room, legs crossed staring at the ceiling, or cuddling with Shelby! She gets up way too many times to count and has a tendency to turn the light on, making it hard for Haleigh to get any sleep. Hence, the pack-n-play. She still sleeps with her blanket and sucks on her fingers at night.

Starting to finally sleep in her own bed instead of the pack-n-play!
Eating: Eating is hit and miss; some days she eats everything, but most days, she picks at her meals and wants to snack all day! She loves chips, Lara Bars, raisins, 'long yogurt' (go-gurt) and cucumbers. She will ask for peanut butter and raisins with a spoon but doesn't really eat a peanut butter sandwich anymore. It's quite frustrating and we end up throwing a lot of half-eaten food away.

Clothing: Lydia is now mostly wearing 3T clothes and size 7 shoes. She is very particular about what she wears and picks out her own clothes every day. Her favorite shoes are a pair of 'star flip-flops' that she's worn so much that she's almost worn a hole completely through them! Her big toes hang off the end, but she wears them everywhere, even when it's raining. We are starting to potty-train (simply because I'm sick of changing diapers!) and Lydia is finally interested in it as well. 

Playing on the playground at school. 

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