Sunday, March 10, 2019

Papa Jay and Grandma come to visit

Last weekend, Papa Jay and Grandma came for a long weekend visit. Unfortunately, the girls still had school on Friday and Monday, but we were still able to fit in cross country skiing, a birthday party for Haleigh and a brisk walk around Tennant Lake. And there was lots of time spent at home, drawing pictures, building towers, and playing games.

We went skiing at the Sno-Park where we usually go and it was a beautiful day! Haleigh and Annaliese both seemed to have improved since we were there last week! We skied farther than we've ever gone before and I'm pretty sure Haleigh was moving faster!

Our walk around Tennant Lake was cold, but it was good to get outside and get a little exercise!

And here's a few pictures from our time hanging out at home!

On the last night, we went out for dinner at Northwater Restaurant; the girls love going to 'a restaurant store' and were super excited to go with Grandma and Papa Jay.

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