Saturday, January 26, 2019

A Mini Stay-cation

Last weekend the girls had off school both Friday and Monday for a teacher workday/Martin Luther King Day. We decided to take advantage of the days off and do a few fun activities together as a family.

Friday morning Kelsey came over for a little while with Mallory and Owen and the kids played and ate lunch together. That night, we had a movie night and watched Shrek.

We were hoping to head to the mountains to go skiing on Saturday but the weather looked a little questionable and we wanted perfect weather for our first skiing adventure of the year. (Mostly because we wanted the girls to have fun so they would be excited to go again!) Instead, we headed to the bowling alley for the afternoon. It was quite evident that nobody in our family is very good!
Final scores: Annaliese 76; Kari 97; Haleigh 92; Kyle 114

When we got home, the sun was shine and it was the perfect opportunity to get outside and ride bikes.

Sunday morning we went out for breakfast before church. We had enough time to run to the sporting goods store and buy Kyle a new pair of roller blades, which meant that after church the girls headed outside to rollerblade, bike, and watch Dad do fun tricks on his new blades! (Apparently I didn't take any pictures...)
Monday was an absolutely gorgeous day so we headed up to Mt. Baker to go skiing! We were hoping to ski at the Sno-Park but there wasn't enough snow there, so we kept going and ended up at White Salmon Ridge. This place had a few more hills than at the sno-park, but the girls did great! Haleigh was slow and steady and gave up a few times, but once we were back in the car and driving home, she told us that she had a fabulous time!
Our attempts at a family pic
It was such a fun weekend! We loved hanging out together and getting outside to do some fun activities! 







Monday, January 14, 2019

Christmas in California- the rest of the trip

The rest of our time in California was spent playing with our new games/toys, returning the RV that G-Mommy stayed in, and relaxing around the house. The girls did a little more rollerblading in the driveway, Kyle and I fit in a run through the orchard, and we played games.
That's Kyle up in the tree!

It's harder to ride a little bike than one would think!


It's always fun to make a trip to California and to watch the girls interacting with their cousins and grandparents! We are so blessed with such wonderful family and the girls are already asking when we get to go again!

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Christmas in California- Christmas Day!

Our plan for Christmas morning was to have a leisurely breakfast and then head over to Jon and Sarah's house for the rest of the day. After breakfast, the girls each opened their gift from G-Momma (or G-Mommy as Lydia called her!) and eagerly put on their new outfits.

We spent the majority of the day at Jon and Sarahs, eating Minestrone Soup, opening presents, playing with the new presents, and eating more food! All the kids received rollerblades/rollerskates from Papa Jay and Grandma Kelley so we had fun practicing how to skate!

There were also many attempts at family are the best we could come up with!