Sunday, October 14, 2018

Bellewood Acres Apple Orchard

This past week both of the girls' classes had their fall field trips. Haleigh's class went to the apple orchard at Bellewood Acres and Annaliese's class went to Don Cramer's Western Town Pumpkin Patch. They were on the same day and since I had to work that night, I was only able to go with Haleigh. But it sounds like Annaliese had a good time:)

At Bellewood Acres, they took us on a tour through the orchard, talking about the different varieties of trees (they have 12,000+ apple trees!) the irrigation system, and the wind machines and methods to 'keep the apples warm' when the temperatures drop. We then moved into the area where they wash and sort the apples, dividing them into the ones that go to the stores and the ones that get made into apple cider. Next, we walked over to the juicing parlor and watched them make delicious apple cider. They also make dried apple chips and apple pies (the ladies there can make up to 84 pies a day!) 

We ended our time by picking a few apples, sampling a few different varieties of apples and sipping on some apple cider! It's always a fun field trip! 

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