Sleeping: Lydia is a great sleeper! She usually goes to bed around 7:30 (right after the other two get in bed) and sleeps all night, usually until somewhere around 7-7:30! Now with school, I have to wake her up about 6:45 to feed her so that we can all be ready on time. If we are home for the day, Lydia will take two good naps, usually about 1 1/2-2 hours each; one around 9:00 and the second around 1:00. However, she does pretty well if we are out and about and she misses either of them. Occasionally she will doze off in the car but not always! She has started to sleep with a little lovey and it's pretty cute to watch her reach around for it when I put her in her crib!
Eating: Lydia loves food! She eats just about everything except for raw vegetables. I'm not sure there are any clear favorites because she loves everything! Breakfast frequently includes scrambled eggs, bananas, oatmeal or cheerios. Lunch is either leftovers from the night before, PB & J, applesauce, or mac 'n cheese. For dinner she eats little pieces of whatever we are having! Snacks frequently include fig bars, pretzels, cheerios or whatever else I can find! We did discover that she doesn't really like ice cream...I think it's more of a temperature thing but we've gone to Edaleen's Dairy twice in the past week and she didn't like any of the flavors either time! I am down to nursing her just once a day, first thing in the morning. The rest of the day she will take a bottle of pumped milk...but it usually takes all day to get through 12 oz of milk! She is very particular about how warm it is and will frequently drink 4-5 oz and then push it away. She also drinks water from a sippy cup but won't hold the cup herself!
Clothing: Lydia is mostly wearing 9 month clothes right now. It still seems to fit her pretty well so I haven't even considered moving her up to 12 month yet! She is wearing size 3 diapers and refuses to wear socks or shoes...every time I try to put socks on we end up losing one! She immediately pulls them off so I've given up trying!
Teeth: Lydia has 8 teeth; 4 on the top and 4 on the bottom! I don't currently see any more trying to make their way in.
Activities: Lydia loves to be around everyone else and has learned how to scoot on her butt to get around. She can get places amazingly fast this way! We have tried to have her practice crawling but she just falls flat on her face; we have also tried to have her stand up but she just lifts her legs up!! She still enjoys her jump-er-oo, playing with Shelby, throwing toys, being around her sisters and taking a bath. She gravitates towards Shelby's water bowl and has been caught sharing her food as well! We've since decided that Shelby needs to eat out in the garage! Pretty much everything ends up her mouth these days, and if she doesn't have an object to eat, then she will suck on her two fingers!
Lydia is a super content, happy little girl. She has an amazing laugh and loves to be tickled, thrown up in the air and play with Daddy. She gets excited when she sees Grandpa in the hallway at school, loves to snuggle, pull my hair, and ruin anything her sisters might build with the train track or blocks! She brings such joy to everyone around her!
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