Sleeping: This little lady will usually call it a night around 8:00 and sleep until somewhere around 7:00. The past few days it's been a bit earlier than that, and occasionally she will sleep in until close to 8:00 am! You just never know! She is an excellent napper, and will usually take one good 2 hour nap and then 2 shorter naps, depending on what our day looks like. She's pretty flexible and does amazingly well if she doesn't get to nap because we are out and about.
Eating: Lydia is still nursing 5 times/day. We have gotten much better about feeding her solid foods over the course of the past month and she loves to sit in her highchair and eat! I don't think we have any clear favorites or obvious dislikes! Our regular go-to foods are Cheerios, Rice Krispies, avocados, bananas, and applesauce, but she has also had zucchini, squash, sweet potatoes, rice and beans, refried beans, spaghetti, pears, and oatmeal! We don't follow the 'introduce a new food and wait three days' rule and thankfully she has tolerated everything just fine!
I asked the girls to get to the table for lunch! |
Clothes: Just about everything Lydia is wearing is 6 months, with a few 6-9 month things thrown in there. I just bumped her up to size 3 diapers, although I probably could have stuck with 2's for a little bit longer. (The jumbo box was on sale and I didn't think I needed that many 2's!)
Mid sneeze! |
Activities: I would say the number one favorite activity is jumping in her jump-er-oo...but other favorites include swinging, anything with Annaliese, bathtime, sucking on her fingers and giving kisses!
Sister kisses! |
Teeth: We have 3 bottom teeth that have all popped through within the last few days! They haven't seemed to bother Lydia at all, which is super nice!
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