Monday, February 20, 2017

Valentine's Day 2017

Valentine's Day could have come and gone and I wouldn't have even noticed, except that Kyle is wonderful and bought me a few new shirts and had flowers on the counter when I came home from work! (I did nothing for him...I thought about putting something in the crock-pot for them before I went to work but I didn't have the right ingredients. This turned out to be a good thing because he took the girls out for dinner after picking them up from the baby-sitter!)

At school, Annaliese's class had a field trip to the fire station followed by a small party on Wednesday, the 15th. Haleigh, Lydia and I were all able to join in on the fun!
All the kids with the paramedic in the back of the ambulance.

Haleigh, Annaliese and Keziah

Annaliese in the fire engine

This station has one of two ladder trucks in the city!

Back at school for the party! 

Haleigh fits right in!

They had several activities planned- here they are making fruit loop bird feeders (that Annaliese and Haleigh ate on the way home from school!)

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