Monday, February 20, 2017

Valentine's Day 2017

Valentine's Day could have come and gone and I wouldn't have even noticed, except that Kyle is wonderful and bought me a few new shirts and had flowers on the counter when I came home from work! (I did nothing for him...I thought about putting something in the crock-pot for them before I went to work but I didn't have the right ingredients. This turned out to be a good thing because he took the girls out for dinner after picking them up from the baby-sitter!)

At school, Annaliese's class had a field trip to the fire station followed by a small party on Wednesday, the 15th. Haleigh, Lydia and I were all able to join in on the fun!
All the kids with the paramedic in the back of the ambulance.

Haleigh, Annaliese and Keziah

Annaliese in the fire engine

This station has one of two ladder trucks in the city!

Back at school for the party! 

Haleigh fits right in!

They had several activities planned- here they are making fruit loop bird feeders (that Annaliese and Haleigh ate on the way home from school!)

Friday, February 10, 2017

5 Months

Lydia turned 5 months old last week...I just haven't had the chance to sit down and blog about it! It's been rather uneventful as far as reaching new milestones or learning anything new. She's still as cute as ever, smiles all the time, and rarely cries or fusses. 

Sleeping: This has been pretty inconsistent lately. She is usually asleep for the night by 9:15-9:30 and will sleep until somewhere between 7:00-8:30, depending on what we have going on and when we need to be out of the house! If we stay home, she will usually take a good morning nap, lasting anywhere from 2-3 hours. (On Wednesday she napped from 9:30-1:30...she was fighting a cold, but still!) She takes a shorted afternoon nap and usually one more cat nap around dinnertime. We usually wrap her in a blanket with her arms out and, while we are trying to use the pacifier, she usually ends up with two fingers in her mouth!

Eating: Lydia nurses every 3-4 hours, for a total of 5 times during the day. She doesn't eat at all during the night. 

Favorite activities: She loves taking a bath, watching her sisters play, checking out her own hands and grabbing onto things. There isn't much she doesn't like at this point! She will roll onto her side but has only rolled all the way from her back to her belly one or two times. Hopefully that will come within the next few weeks!

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

January Wrap-up

Hard to believe that January is already over! I went back to work at the beginning of the month so it's been a month of adjusting to new schedules and less sleep! During the week we keep busy with the normal, dance class, grocery shopping, laundry, etc. and it seems like we don't fit much else in. Kyle and I have realized that if we want to do anything fun on the weekends, we have to be very intentional about planning it, otherwise we never make it out of the house!

We started the month out by going bowling. We had two lanes, with all of us bowling on one lane with the bumpers up, and just Kyle and I on the other lane with no bumpers. The girls loved it!!

Here are a few random pics from the rest of the month:

Annaliese and Haleigh were very excited to be able to feed Lydia!

Haleigh's first trip to the dentist

She very politely said "No Thank You" to everything they wanted to do!

Having a tea party together

Haleigh loves sitting on the couch and reading to Lydia- they do it almost every morning!

Annaliese went with me on a short, chilly run one morning before I went to work...she biked 2 miles!

An Annaliese selfie

We wanted to go on a family hike but between the weather, naps, and when Lydia needed to eat, we decided it would work better to do a run/bike ride at Lake Padden. Kyle and Annaliese biked part way around the lake and I ran with Lydia and Haleigh in the stroller. 

Playing on the playground after the ride!

It's hard to see, but she has mud splattered up her back-the true sign of a good ride!