Saturday, August 27, 2016

Our Summer at a Glance

Besides our camping trip over Father's Day weekend, our summer has been pretty low-key. We've stuck around Bellingham, spending time at local parks, playing with our cousins, riding bikes with the neighbors and hanging out at home. Between the combination of hot weather and Baby #3 coming soon, I didn't have the energy to do much else! 

Preschool open gym at North Coast Gymnastics

Picking blueberries from our own blueberry bush!

Trying on pj's that Grandma Tara made

Fingerpainting...turned into a very messy craft!

Trying out the new ladder at Auntie Kim's house

Making fishy faces

Swimming in Grandpa and Grandma's hot tub
Annaliese making their lunch- she got everything out by herself!
Family pic:)
Annaliese and Elias
Fun at Hovander Park

All worn out...the watched gymnastics on tv and tried to copy all their dance moves!
Taking a break in the shade...and waiting for Chloe, the neighbor, to come back outside
 When it's too hot at our house, we go to Grandpa and Grandma's house to hang out...all the trees keep their house much cooler! It typically includes drinking lattes, sitting outside in the shade, and having a squirt gun fight!

A big part of Annaliese's summer has been learning how to ride her bike without training wheels! After our Father's Day camping trip, everything seemed to click and now she is a little pro at bike-riding. She is allowed to ride out in the cul-de-sac on her own and would easily spend hours each day riding in circles! She is learning all sorts of new 'tricks,' like riding off the curb, standing up, and kicking her legs out to the side! It's pretty cute to watch!! Kyle has also taken her on several bike rides at a few local parks. 
Taking Baby Chloe for a ride

Showing off one of her tricks!

Grandma and Grandpa did a bike ride from Seattle to Vancouver, BC. Their route went right down the road not too far from our house; Annaliese and Kyle biked to the corner while Haleigh and I walked to meet up with them and cheer them on!

 Another favorite past time this summer has been coloring and art projects! Crayons, markers, and watercolors seem to be out all the time! I tried to switch things up a bit one day and we made our own puffy paint out of glue and shaving cream. They seemed to have fun with it and it wasn't nearly as messy as I anticipated! ( I took 15 pictures of Annaliese trying to get one with her eyes open...and she kept telling me "I'm not closing my eyes, Mom. I'm not.")


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