Friday, July 1, 2016

Father's Day at Bay View State Park

We spent Father's Day weekend camping at Bay View State Park, about an hour south of here, with the rest of my family.  The campground is located on Padilla Bay and has a nice estuary with a walking trail that is supposedly also quite nice. Unfortunately, rain was predicted for the weekend and we didn't get to do quite as much hiking as we had hoped!!

Eating dinner under the rainfly!

Kel and Ben had the easy-up to go over the picnic table, but they didn't show up until after dinner on Friday night, so we ate dinner huddled under a tree for a little bit of protection! Thankfully, it didn't rain too hard or too long the first evening and actually cleared up quite nicely after we finished eating! 

There was another loop in the campground that surrounded a big open field; Annaliese and Elias spent a fair amount of time biking the loop and we had fun playing frisbee and blowing bubbles on the grass.

Smelling the flowers!
Relaxing at the campsite

Beautiful sunset!

Saturday morning was also quite rainy and the weather report predicted a 90% chance of rain all morning. We decided that it was a bit too wet to play in and decided to head to Burlington to the Children's Museum where everyone could hang out and stay dry. 
Trying to keep dry!

The Children's Museum was at the mall...we checked out these fun 'cars' that were also at the mall! 

Kyle being thoroughly entertained by this display at the Children's Museum!

I think they were racing to see who could get to Grandma first!

By early afternoon, the rain cleared up and we headed back to the campsite. The kiddos rode their bikes for while and then we were able to build a fire for dinner and smores.

On Sunday, before we packed up and headed home, we walked out to Padilla Bay; the tide was out so we could walk out in the muck and check out the oysters, crabs, and whatever else was living there! 
Playing a little cornhole

Auntie Kelsey with Elias, Annaliese, Haleigh, and Mallory

Auntie Kim
Uncle Ben, Mallory, and Auntie Kelsey

Grandpa, Elias, and Annaliese venturing out in the muck...

Checking out an oyster up close
Haleigh did not think that getting all muddy and getting stuck in the muck was much fun!

Despite the rain, I think it is safe to say we all had a fun time camping! The girls did a good job sleeping in their sleeping bags in the tent and didn't seem to mind getting wet at all!

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