Wednesday, June 1, 2016

A Memorial Day Picnic

Grandpa, Grandma, Kim and Thane went camping over Memorial Day at River Meadows Campground, just over an hour from home. We were able to drive down on Monday and join them for the afternoon. Kels and Ben also met us there so all the cousins were able to hang out and play together for a bit! We grilled hamburgers and hot dogs, played frisbee, celebrated Kim's birthday and soaked up the sunshine! 
Malachi, Haleigh, Elias and Mallory playing in the dirt
Auntie Kim braiding Annaliese's hair
Chips + Dirt...what a tasty snack!
Malachi was playing with toys and this tub of water...and then
 decided it would be more fun to climb into the tub!

Grandma trying to teach Elias and Annaliese how to play LeapFrog.
Grandma playing another game with the kiddos!
Searching for the frisbee amongst the blackberry bushes
Ben, Thane and Grandpa all watching Kyle search for the frisbee...they found it:)
Annaliese and Elias playing badminton

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