Sunday, May 8, 2016

Kyle is 33!!

Kyle turned 33 on April 28 and to celebrated we had a little party at our house. We invited friends and family over to enjoy hamburgers and hotdogs on our new BBQ (a Christmas present from Mom and Dad Gillette,) play cornhole, throw the frisbee and hang out together. Quite a few of the people were guys (and their families) from Kyle's small group at church that I hadn't met so it was nice to be able to put a face with the names he talks about! It was also neat just to look around and see how many friends we have made over the past year and a half since moving here!
Putting the new BBQ to the passed! 
Uncle Ben, Uncle Thane and Auntie Kim with the boys:)


Auntie Kelsey and Mallory

Haleigh was a big fan of the cupcakes...especially the frosting!

Auntie Kim and Malachi
Trying to light the birthday candle!


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