Saturday, September 12, 2015

School has started!

Annaliese started preschool this past week at Evergreen Christian School. She is super excited about it and loves that she gets to see Grandpa all the time! (Grandpa is the school principal.) She is in a 3-year-old Spanish Immersion class; the teacher is from Colombia and the teacher aide is from Mexico. They only speak Spanish in the classroom and supposedly will be fluent by the time they are in 3rd grade! Her class meets 2x/week from 8:30-11:30 and Annaliese is exhausted afterwards!

 She picked out her own backpack!

Annaliese's thoughts on her first day of school

On the first day, there was a parent meeting for new parents to learn about the school a bit, and Grandma met me at school to hang out with Haleigh during that time. Once the meeting was over, which ended at the same time as Annaliese was finished, we all went out for lunch to celebrate a successful first day! 

It's a bit crazy to think that we have now entered the world of school and will be operating on a school schedule for the next 18 or so years! I will admit, I have enjoyed the peaceful mornings while she is at school, but I'm glad it starts out at just 2 days a week!

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