Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Kid's Day at the Park

On Saturday, the city of Bellingham had a Kid's Day at a local park. It was sort of an advertising opportunity for a bunch of local businesses, but in order to have a booth at the event, each business also had to provide some sort of game or activity for the kids to do.  The businesses ranged from the public library to local preschools to the Bellingham Fencing Association. Annaliese came home with some candy, a few new toothbrushes and an invitation to an ice skating program in December (that you could participate in if you sign up for lessons now!)

We met Grandma and Grandpa there and roamed around for awhile...Annaliese tried a few of the games, we watched a little magic show and played on the swing set before heading back to Grandma and Grandpa's house for a smoothie:)

 The turtle did successfully make it all the way under the fence!

 Annaliese loved this inflatable thing...but was definitely not a fan of the regular bounce house!

Haleigh wasn't so sure about it...

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