Wednesday, March 18, 2015

It's Party Time!

Haleigh turned one on March 7 so I'm a few weeks late, but we just celebrated her birthday on Sunday and I wanted to include some photos from that day! 

Her actual birthday was a low-key day. We spent the morning home as a family and she was able to open her gifts from Grandma and Grandpa Gillette and the rest of the Gillette side of the family.

 Checking out the water table from Uncle Jon, Aunt Sarah, Reed and Keiran

A sock monkey Jack-in-the-box...they both love it and totally anticipate what happens as the music plays!

Annaliese was a big helper when it came to opening presents!

Throughout the week, she was able to put all of her new toys to good use! (Annaliese has been enjoying them too!)

On Sunday, we had Grandpa and Grandma Hendricks and the aunts/uncles/cousins over for a birthday party.  Since we went to church in the morning, Haleigh missed out on her morning nap and practically fell asleep while she was eating lunch. She took a quick nap that was cut short when Annaliese and Elias decided it was time to open presents and brought them in to her in her room!

After presents and dessert, Annaliese and Elias played together with Haleigh's new truck that Elias had picked out and Haleigh entertained herself while the rest of us played a few rounds of Taboo. (I think Mallory slept through most of this!)
 She found a cupcake wrapper and turned her back on us so we wouldn't catch her eating it!

Thank you to everyone for loving this little bear and for being a part of her life!

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