Thursday, February 12, 2015

11 Months!

Last week Haleigh hit the 11 month milestone! This last month has been so much fun as she has become much more mobile and much more vocal as well! 

Sleeping: Haleigh usually goes to bed around 7:00pm and sleeps until 7:30 or 8:00 (depends on how loud Annaliese is in the morning!) Every once in awhile she wakes up in the middle of the night, but all it takes is a few minutes of snuggling and her purple bunny and she is asleep again. Naps vary from day to day. Usually she takes 2 naps, one in the morning around 9:30 or 10:00 and another one in the afternoon somewhere around 2:00. It does depend on what time she wakes up and what sort of activities we have planned for the day! She does quite well with the lack of consistency in the nap arena!!

Eating: This girl loves to eat. And eat. And eat! She eats pretty much everything the rest of us eat, with the exception of raw veggies and peanut butter. Haleigh loves broccoli, english muffins with cream cheese and avocado, bananas, smoothies, pasta, cereal, cheese and eggs. In fact, I can't really think of anything she won't eat!! She is still drinking formula as well; she gets 3-4 bottles/day, each with between 4 and 6 ozs of milk. It seems like she is less interested in the formula and more interested in stuff she can pick up, so I think we will probably transition her over to cows milk in the next few weeks. 
Maybe a lefty? She definitely uses her left hand more often than not to pick up the little pieces of food on her tray!

Teeth: Right now we have 8 teeth; 4 on the bottom and 4 on the top. I don't see any evidence of any more trying to come in right now either.

Clothes: Haleigh is wearing 12 month clothes primarily. There are a few stray pieces of 9 month stuff still in the drawer but they are a bit tight:) Several items are even 12-18 months already! And I will admit, Haleigh spends an awful lot of time in her jammies, regardless of all the cute clothes she has! We are just about to move up to size 4 diapers too. She's already wearing them at night and as soon as our current supply of sz 3 is out, we are moving up! 

Activity: Haleigh is crawling all over the place! She loves exploring the whole house and will rapidly make her way from one room to another. She also has a few favorite toys and will pull the toy bins off the shelf and contentedly sit and play until Annaliese comes and takes the toys away. She loves to watch Annaliese and be close to her! There is frequently a trail of cheerios following her!
(Note the orange letter that is flying at Haleigh...she and Kyle were playing a game and she loved it!!)

 Stacking blocks

I caught her with Annaliese's cat!

Dislikes: While Haleigh is generally very happy, there are a few things that she doesn't care for. Having her diaper changed, Annaliese taking her toys away from her, and being hungry top the list.

1 comment:

  1. The third photo from the bottom is the best picture EVER! What a lovely family you have. Britt
