Sunday, January 11, 2015

10 Months!

And just like that another month has gone by! With each passing day, Haleigh is becoming more and more of a little person with her own personality, her own wants, and her own ability to play and interact with us. It is so fun to watch!

Sleeping: Haleigh goes to bed around 7:00 and has started waking up about 7:15. I usually find her sitting up in her crib when I go in to get her and I'm greeted with a big smile! There have been a few nights within the last week that she's woken up around 2:30, but a few minutes of cuddling is all it takes to go right back to sleep again.
    She normally takes 2 naps, one around 9:00 lasting about 1 1/2 hours and another one around 1:00. This one can last anywhere from 45 minutes to 2 1/2 hours!

Eating: This girl loves to eat! She prefers finger foods and will grab at the spoon when we try to feed her. This means that most of our meals are quite messy! She is picky about her bananas...they can't have even the slightest amount of green on them or she will spit them out! She also wasn't a fan of tuna fish. Haleigh also still takes a bottle of formula several times a day with between 4 and 6 ounces of milk. (It depends on when she last ate solid food as to how much I decide to give her...but giving her less milk after a big meal=less spitting up! I know, what a concept!)

Developing that fine motor control!

Clothing: With the exception of 1 or 2 outfits, Haleigh is wearing 12 month clothes and they fit perfectly!

Teeth: We have 7 teeth...3 on the top and 4 on the bottom. We had 4 of them come in at once...which made for a rough few days. There was an absurd amount of drooling that happened and the poor peanut was definitely uncomfortable!

Activities: Haleigh loves to be around us and as long as we are nearby, is content to sit and play by herself. She likes to pick up her toys and place them in a basket/bucket/pile and then move them back again. Most things end up in her mouth:) She also likes to jump in her bouncy seat and play with my hair. Bathtime is always a good time and she loves getting kisses and being tickled under her armpits!
     She dislikes having her diaper changed, running in the stroller, Annaliese taking her toys away (Annaliese always decides it's time to clean-up whenever Haleigh seems to be having too much fun with something!), and sitting in her highchair when the food isn't quite ready yet.

Haleigh isn't crawling yet, but she will either scoot herself or roll to get where she wants to be. Annaliese is also quite helpful in dragging Haleigh to where she needs to be...or to where Annaliese thinks she needs to be:) Thankfully, Haleigh is a pretty good sport and puts up with Annaliese's shenanigans most of the time!

She babbles all the time and will occasionally say things like "uh-oh" when she drops something. She has a lot of inflection in her voice already and gets very excited and laughs a lot! She has a pretty adorable giggle! 

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