(yes, we are missing the 'o')
She likes to sleep on her side, with her thumb in her mouth and her purple bunny in her other hand. However, she rolls over at some point because she always wakes up on her belly:)
Eating: We introduced solid foods about a week ago; Haleigh has been very interested in whatever we were eating for the past month, staring intently as we put food onto a fork and then proceeded to eat it. One night at dinner last week, Kyle decided it just wasn't fair and that she should be able to try something. Since we were having avocado, that's what we gave her. She wasn't so sure at first, but she definitely tolerates it just fine. Today I gave her some pumpkin puree and she seemed to like that as well.
Annaliese was a good cheerleader:) She kept telling Haleigh, "Chew it Haleigh. Chew it." followed by, "Yea!! She's doing it!!"
Teeth: Yes, we already have 2 teeth! The front bottom teeth have popped through. Definitely not a pleasant experience. I'm already dreading the other 18 (or however many there are.)
Clothing: Pretty everything we are wearing is 6 months. All of the 3-6 month stuff is now too small and I am ready to go pull the 9 month box of clothing out of storage. The 6 month pants are getting a bit tight.
Likes: Eating food, being held, Sophie the giraffe, her purple bunny, watching Annaliese do anything, being outside, having her diaper changed, bathtime, sitting up on her own, her jump-thing.
Still working on balancing while sitting:)
Dislikes: Being ignored, getting teeth, Mom eating too much chocolate or garlic (hoping that one of those two things, in combination with teething, are the reason for a crabbier-than-normal little girl!)
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