Monday, August 25, 2014

A little of this and a little of that

In between the blueberry picking, the tractor show, and the fair have been more normal days filled with the normal day-to-day activities that happen with a 2 1/2 year old in the house. That means lots of playtime outside, lots of singing ("Do you want to build a snowman?" and "Cinderelly") accompanied by 'dancing' and a few other outings to get us out of the house.

Last week we visited the Marine Life Center which has several salt water tanks; we were able to see an octopus, several sea cucumbers, sea anenomes and starfish. They also have a small touch pool; Auntie Kim and Elias came with us and she was able to convince Annaliese to touch a few of the different animals.

Auntie Kelsey and Mallory came too:) Checking out the octopus!

When we stick around the house, we find all kinds of fun things to keep us busy!
Haleigh loves having her diaper changed! And she has recently started eating her toes during this process! 

Hanging out with cousin Elias

Annaliese was super excited to help brush my hair this morning!

Using two mowers at once proved to be a bit more challenging than she expected!

We gathered pinecones to put in the back of her 'car.' Then she decided they were too dirty and needed to be washed. But after washing two of them, Annaliese didn't like that her hands were getting wet and she decided the rest could wait until later!

Haleigh sitting out on the grass while we collected the pinecones...she is getting better and better at sitting up on her own!

Date night:)

That about sums up life according to my phone pictures:) We went on a gorgeous hike last weekend; hopefully I will get some of those pictures up soon. Those pictures were taken with the good camera:)

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