Wednesday, March 12, 2014

A Family of Four!

After a few extra weeks of waiting, Haleigh Eileen Gillette finally decided to join us! She is such a precious little bundle of joy and I could sit and stare at her for hours on end. I know that at some point, I will want to look back and remember her birth story, so I will share it here. It won't take was a quick process!

Thursday, March 6 I had an appointment with my was the same story: everything looks good, baby is healthy. You look good. We will continue to wait and see. Thursday night around 10:00 my hips started to hurt; over the next two hours the hip pain proceeded to get worse and went in that 'contraction-like' pain of coming on, increasing in intensity and then going away and happening every 2-4 minutes. Around midnight I woke my mom up and asked if contractions could happen in your hips. She didn't really know so I called my doctor and said something to the effect of "I don't know what this is, but it hurts, and I feel like I constantly have to go the bathroom." He said, "I think you should go to the hospital." So I woke Kyle up and we headed to the hospital. We arrived about 12:55; the admissions girl in the ER looked at us like we were crazy when we told here we were there to have a baby, but she found someone to escort us back to OB. I headed to the bathroom, my water broke, and then I climbed into bed. The nurse checked me and said we were at about 7 cm. At this point, the hip pain felt more like contractions, since I was now feeling it in my stomach as well. I asked for pain medicine and the nurse told me there wasn't time; "this baby is coming now" were her exact words. My response: "Like, before the doctor even gets here?" which was answered with a very convincing Yes. And with that, Haleigh came barreling into the world at 1:20 am. ("Barreling in" were the nurses words!) She weighed 7 lbs 10 ozs and is 21 1/2 inches long! They ever even had time to get an IV in or draw some labs!!

She was born with the cord around her neck, so they promptly cut that before she was out all the way; it was a bit scary (more so for Kyle who could see what was going on) because she was blue and not making any noise. But they gave her a little oxygen and she recovered quickly. And then the doctor arrived!! 

Kyle's parents arrived around 9 am and met up with my mom and Annaliese to meet the newest member of the family!

She has taken to nursing like a champ and is doing wonderfully! Annaliese likes to check on her and constantly wants to pet her and give kisses! I wouldn't say that we are anywhere near being adjusted to life as a family of four, but we are heading in that direction!

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