Sunday, February 16, 2014

My little Valentine!

Unfortunately, the day before Valentine's Day, Annaliese came down with another cold...the runny nose/sneezing/sound like you're coughing up a lung type of cough. She still acted pretty normal, but I didn't want to take her out anywhere fun since she hasn't quite mastered the 'cover-your-mouth-when-you-cough" thing. 

However, that didn't stop us from getting into the Valentine spirit! It was too bad that we didn't try on this outfit sooner though, because the shirt is definitely a onesie that snaps at her knees!! And the pants, well, those are quite a bit too big too! So we took a few pictures, in which Annaliese had her eyes closed in most of them, and then changed into our second option for the day. 

Outfit #2...a cute pink shirt with sequins on the bottom. And yes, it is warm enough to be outside in short sleeves and sandals!

Annaliese was very excited to find that there were two cards addressed to her in the mail. She had to carry them in from the mailbox and eagerly sat down to open them. 

I find her reading to be absolutely adorable! I could listen to her read a story for hours on end!!

When Kyle came home from work, he brought home balloons for us, which Annaliese loves!
These moments are far and few between for Kyle...Annaliese loves to play with him, but she will rarely sit and cuddle with him or let him just hold her for a minute. 

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