Sunday, December 15, 2013

24 update

I know it's been almost 2 weeks since Annaliese's birthday, but I'm sure at some point someone will ask me what she was like at 2 years old, and if I don't document it, I will have absolutely no idea! So here's a quick rundown of what she is up to. 

Sleeping: She transitioned into her big girl bed when we moved and is doing wonderfully with it. The first night was a little rough, and quite comical at the same time. At one point, I was on the couch reading and Kyle was taking a shower. I heard the squeak of her door, followed by the pitter-patter of feet, and then she opened the bathroom door. Kyle, from behind the curtain, said "Um, who is it?" which was followed by silence. He repeated the question, then peaked around the curtain. Annaliese was so excited and just kept repeating, "Daddy, shower. Daddy shower!" The second night, we put the box spring and bed frame under the bed and she realized that she can't get in and out on her's been wonderful ever since! She still goes to bed around 7 and has been sleeping until between 7 and 7:30am. She takes one nap, usually right after lunch, and this lasts about 2 hrs, generally. 

Eating: Overall, she likes pretty much everything besides raw vegetables. However, today she might love bananas and want to only eat bananas and tomorrow she won't want to touch one! Favorite foods include: 'cackers' (crackers,) 'cado' (avocado,) oranges, and chips (which might refer to actual chips of any kind, or chocolate chips, whichever she sees first!)

Clothes: I recently packed away most of the 18 month shirts; they were becoming a little too short. However, the 18 mon pants still fit perfectly! She wears both sz 5 and sz 6 shoes, but prefers to be barefoot. She is getting particular about her outfits and will take her clothes off quite regularly. 

Activities: This child loves to talk! Her vocabulary is increasing dramatically, and she has developed a few favorite sayings, namely "What are you doing?" She repeats pretty much everything Kyle says, loves to look for goats (by which she means horses) and watch airplanes. Annaliese also enjoys dancing, coloring, cleaning, and being outside. 

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