Monday, January 28, 2013

14 months!!

I always like reading Auntie Sarah's monthly posts about Reed; it gives me a glimpse of what the next few months might look like! So I've decided to try to put into words what life is like with a 14-month Annaliese! I must say, she is getting to be more and more fun! She has such a little personality, a bit of a temper, and a very cute little smile!
We attempted a picture on the blanket...this is the best we could do!

So we tried one sitting up...
Wake up time: 6:30-7:00

Sleep schedule: Annaliese still takes 2 naps a day; a 2 hr nap in the morning and about 1-1 1/2 hrs in the afternoon. Bedtime is at 7:00 and she sleeps all night long!

Food: She doesn't appreciate eggs, but eats just about everything else we give her! At this point, we are giving her lactose-free milk, but she still eats other dairy products like yogurt and cheese with no problems.

Teeth: 7; 4 on the top, 3 on the bottom

Clothing: Mostly 12 month stuff; she has a few 9 month things still around- anything short sleeve still fits, but the long sleeve shirts have become 3/4 length sleeves! 

Shoes: Size 4...and she's not a fan. 

Things she likes: playing Mom's keyboard; carrying her toys around; taking her blocks out of the bag one at a time, and then replacing them, one at a time back into the bag; climbing; drinking out of Mom's water cup; bath time

Words: "Hi" "Yeah" She's constantly babbling, and her new favorite sounds like "tick, tick, tick" over and over...probably because Daddy always says, "Tickle, tickle, tickle" as he tickles her big belly! 

Mobility: While she is starting to do more walking along the furniture, her favorite way to get around is definitely still the little scoot, with her left knee down on the ground and her right leg up. There will be lots of celebrating when she finally attempts a step on her own!

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