Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Spring Break

 We just wrapped up Spring Break and I have very few pictures to show from it! We were supposed to start the week off with a trip to a cabin with friends. Unfortunately, they all got sick and we ended up having to postpone that adventure. 

I was able to take a few day off work, so went to the park, went out for ice cream, and went to the park again. 

We ran into Sawyer at the park...Sawyer is Lydia's best friend from school and is moving to Arizona next week. 

Kyle went hiking and weathered rain, wind, hail and even a bit of snow as well! His preferred trail is Exelsior Pass but they got A LOT of snow up at Baker so he decided to try the Chanterelle Trail this week. It's a bit longer but not as steep. And not nearly as much snow. 

I discovered mold growing on a few windows so I put the safety goggles and N-95 mask to good use and tried to take care of that problem. The mold is now gone...we'll have to see if it comes back.

We ended the week with a walk out to Pt. Whitehorn, a birthday party for a little girl that hangs out with Lydia, and a wedding for one of Kyle's friends. But...no pictures to prove we did any of it!! 

Despite the fact that there wasn't any big adventure, it was still a nice break. We all enjoyed the more relaxing mornings and by the time today rolled around, the girls were ready to go back to school. 

Friday, April 1, 2022


Here are a few of the other things that we did during the month of March (while we weren't celebrating Haleigh's birthday or hanging out with Grandpa and Grandma!)

We cut down a small tree that was growing awkwardly in the corner of the yard and ripped out a holly bush that was overtaking it's area. We decided to dig a firepit and have ourselves a little fire to get rid of the tree! The holly is still sitting in a pile on the grass, waiting to be loaded up and taken to the compost/yard waste place. 

Playing with fire! I wasn't prepared for the fire, so we didn't have any marshmallows to roast. 

We went to the playground at Fisher Elementary School several times; they have a covered basketball court, tetherball, and fun playground equipment!

Haleigh and her friend Emory