Saturday, February 26, 2022

February wrap-up

Here we are, at the end of February already. It was a good month. There were quite a few fun activities at school. At the beginning of the month, the Spanish Immersion classes led chapel. Parents were invited to watch; it was so fun to see the whole elementary school gathered together. They also had LOL week (Love of Literature) and dressed up every day. Each day had a theme based on one book, they ate banana splits, and collected books for the Sumas Library (which basically lost everything in the flood a few months ago.)

Haleigh's class on Pajama Day

Haleigh's class led everyone in the Pledge to the Christian Flag and a few songs.

Annaliese's class also led a few songs.

Last weekend, Kim and I took the kids to Birch Bay. They spent most of their time hopping from log to log, trying to stay on driftwood for the entire walk. We found a little window in between the rain where the sun peeked out and we didn't get wet!

Lydia has been doing really well in school and earned an ice cream date!

Haleigh and Mallory...sleepover!

In May, Kyle is going to be climbing Mt. Shasta with some friends. He has been training for the hike and recently started climbing Vedder Mountain, in Sumas. There are some gorgeous views from the top. (Last weekend, while Kim and I were enjoying a bit of sunshine at Birch Bay, he was hiking and got hailed on!)

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Another Day of Cross-Country Skiing

(I wrote this a few weeks ago, but forgot to post it.) The weather wasn't ideal, but after being home from school for the week, we were all ready to get out and about again so we headed up to the Sno-Park for another day of cross-country skiing. There hadn't been any new snow recently, so the trail was a bit icy which made things a bit more challenging. We skied to a spot along the river and everyone took their skis off and we spent most of our time playing there! The sun was shining, there were icicles everywhere, and we found a few small hills to sled down! Also, I forgot to bring along the girls' coats. Oops! Thankfully, they had hats and scarves and stayed warm enough. 

Saturday, February 5, 2022


 We started the New Year off getting outside! We met Kim and Thane and the boys at Lake Padden. Kim and I ran a few laps around the lake while the kids and dad's went sledding. Afterwards, we went to Grandma and Grandpa's house to warm up in the hot tub and hang out before Grandpa and Grandma left on their Arizona trip.

Here are a few random pictures from throughout the month:

Showing off her curls...we got a new curling iron for Christmas:)

Kyle and Haleigh went on a date to Summit Trampoline Park!

Practicing cross-country skiing in the backyard!

By the last week of January, COVID arrived at our house and we all spent some quality time at home. Thankfully, nobody had anything worse than some congestion and a little bit of a cough. 

We still needed fresh air and exercise so we went out to Semiahmoo.

Making cinnamon rolls!

Lots of cinnamon and sugar!