May was filled with soccer games, piano lessons, Mother's Day, and a few park days. We had a good balance of sun and rain and made sure to get outside whenever the sun was shining! Annaliese and Haleigh both started piano lessons at the beginning of the month and seem to be enjoying them.
Annaliese has 2 soccer games left for the season and is loving it. It's been really fun watching her learn how to play and improve. I had to work this past weekend and couldn't make it to her game, but she scored 2 goals! I've done a poor job taking pictures, but hopefully, I can get a few at their next game.
Haleigh has been asking to get her hair cut for quite a while; I was holding off to see if it was a temporary wish or something she really wanted and since she consistently asked for it over quite some time, we went ahead and had it cut. We actually had someone who we knew from a previous church come over and cut it and Haleigh loves it! Plus, now she can actually brush her hair because it's not nearly so tangly.
Haleigh also got to go to a birthday party for some girls from school. She was so excited about it and had such a great time! The girls are twins and are in a different class at school, but they changed the rules about recess so they can all play together now.
Here are a few other pictures that I came across.
Lydia and Owen making rhubarb muffins. |
We have 4 deer that come through the backyard pretty consistently. This was the first time I've seen them out front though. |