Thursday, March 11, 2021

7 years old

Haleigh had her golden birthday, turning 7 on Sunday, March 7. She has been looking forward to her birthday for quite some time and couldn't wait for the day to arrive. We've still been careful about being around too many people, but she was content with having Grandpa and Grandma over for lunch. Uncle Thane, Auntie Kim, Elias, and Malachi joined us later for cake and ice cream and Haleigh loved it!

She requested a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and a white 'H'  for dessert. 

Haleigh is a very easy-going little lady; she is quiet at school but at home, she is constantly talking, singing, and smiling. She is thoughtful and caring. Haleigh is very creative and can play by herself for a long time! Her smile is fantastic, she gives great hugs, and is such a joy to be around. It's hard to believe that she is 7 already. Here are a few of her favorite things: 

Favorite color: Purple

Favorite food: Hamburgers

Favorite dessert: Ice Cream

Best friends (not including cousins:) Alessandra, Sophia, and Noelle

Favorite subject in school: Math

Favorite afterschool activity: Playing Dolls 

Friday, March 5, 2021

4 1/2

 Lydia had her 'golden half birthday' yesterday, turning 4 1/2 on March 4! I feel like I've not been doing a great job keeping track of some of our more 'everyday' activities, but this blog is one of the only ways that I record things. At 4 1/2, Lydia is full of spunk! She gives great hugs, has a fantastic grin, and always knows what she wants. She loves to play at the park, snuggle with Shelby, and help me with all my tasks around the house. If I can get her to play by herself, magnets or puzzles are her go-to activity.

Lydia is in preschool two mornings/week and loves going to school. She is always talking about Teacher Lisa and the girls in her class. We had a few behavior issues early on that seem to have resolved, but the last several days have been rough and ended with tears and "I miss you Mom." So much so that I actually had to pick her up early because she was unconsolable! 

Sleeping: Lydia and Haleigh share a room; they recently got new twin beds. She goes to bed by 8:00 and usually wakes up around 7:00. Every once in awhile she takes a nap with me when I have to nap but we haven't been doing any regular naps/quiet times and it is becoming evident over the past week or so that we probably need to!

Clothing: Lydia gets herself dressed every day. Most of her clothes are 4T. She wears size 9 or 10 shoes. 

Food: This is one of those categories that is a bit hard to figure out...generally speaking, she eats well but can be intermittently picky about certain things. She's not as much of a fan of eggs as the others and will only eat 'mixed eggs' (which are typically referred to as scrambled eggs by the rest of us!) Favorite foods include snacks of all kinds, yogurt, grilled chicken and dessert. 
Favorite color: Pink
Favorite activity: Play legos
Favorite food: Cheese-Its