Saturday, May 23, 2020

Stay Home, Stay Safe

Here we are, over half way through the month of May. Things are pretty much the same as last month- still doing school from home, still avoiding the park, still wearing a mask in the grocery store, and still spending time with cousins out riding bikes in the cul-de-sac. I've been pleasantly surprised at how well the girls are handling things but they are getting old. Just a few days ago, Annaliese looked at me and said, "Mom, I'm tired of doing school by myself. I want to go to school with my friends." Me too.

We fill our time with art projects, playing games, riding bikes, going for walks, and doing school. We have zoom classes and zoom small group. We even tried a zoom dance class. It didn't work very well. 


Such a gorgeous view of the bay!

We had a picnic lunch and the girls used some 'ultra-clean' markers to 'face paint' themselves! 

With Grandma and Grandpa's help, the girls all painted flower pots for Mother's Day!

Fresh orange juice!

I've been waiting for this day for years...I'm back to the single stroller with both Annaliese and Haleigh riding their bikes while I run!

Using the glass table for homework and to practice writing!

Tennant Lake with the girls!