Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Christmas Day Fun!

Christmas morning, Haleigh woke up sick, but by about 8:30 was feeling better and we were able to open the rest of our presents and still head over to Mom and Dad's house. The girls had no idea what they were getting and were super excited about everything they received! We've spent the past few days doing lots of art projects, coloring, and playing with legos.

Make a funny face!

Lydia with Llama Llama

Just before lunch, we headed over to Mom and Dad's house for the rest of our Christmas celebrations. We all opened stockings, the kids opened their gifts, we ate, and then we ate some more. Several weeks ago, the kids all went over to Grandma and Grandpa's house and prepared our devotions; they put together a Christmas Story puppet show, narrated by Elias.  They ended their devotions by singing 'Es Navidad,' one of their school songs. 

Pin the Nose on the Snowman

They put together an apple juice stand!

Loving that sunshine streaming in the windows! CHEERS!

Lydia and Auntie Kim

Owen and Auntie Kelsey

Haleigh and Malachi

I have no idea what was happening here...but this face makes me laugh every time I see this picture!

Mary and Joseph in the stable

Grandma made all of our presents into snowmen this year!

The night ended by surprising all the kids with a sleepover at Grandma and Grandpa's house. They were all astonished that we had packed toothbrushes and sleeping bags without them knowing! We helped get them ready for bed and then headed home while they all got cozy in the living room and watched The Grinch. 

I always love Christmas and it is becoming more fun as the girls realize more and more what it is about. Hearing them tell and re-tell the Christmas story, sing Christmas songs, and want to get gifts for others is so neat and such a blessing! 

Christmas Eve

I had to work the night before Christmas Eve so I spent a good part of the actual day sleeping, but Kyle took the girls out to the park and to Wood's for hot chocolate. In the evening we went to a candlelight service at church where the girls all joined the other kids up front to sing a song together. Once we were back home, we all picked out one present to open. 

I asked them to put on Christmas pajamas and this is what they picked out!

"Dad's with Beards are Better." 

The Adult Christmas Party

This year we decided to do two separate Christmas parties with my family. The first one was just the adults and the second one included all the kiddos. We each found a babysitter and met up at my parent's house on the Saturday before Christmas. We enjoyed fondue for dinner and leisurely opened presents and played games. It was amazing how nice it was to have some uninterrupted conversations! 

Saturday, December 21, 2019

December Happenings

December has been full of Christmas activities! We started off the month by cutting down our Christmas tree from a local tree farm. It sat with lights on it but no decorations for several days until we were all home for long enough to decorate it! Kyle put up lights outside; each year we add a few more lights...maybe by next year we will have enough to go around the whole house! 

One night, we went to a small farm that had decorated for Christmas; all the animals were in small pens where we could pet them if we wanted. Donna the Donkey and a pair of pigs, Jack and Jill, were wandering around as well! They had goats, pigs, miniature horses, a regular horse, sheep, and ducks. The owner of the farm gave us a tour and explained a lot about their farm and about how they came to own some of the animals (some were just dropped off at their doorstep!) They also had a Santa there for a few pictures!

Last weekend, the girls had their school Christmas program. Their teachers put together a really neat skit called La Posada which is basically the Christmas story. We were able to partner with one of the local Spanish churches and do the program for the church as part of their Sunday service. Haleigh was an angel and Annaliese was Mary. 
The pastor of the church, along with his wife (who translated everything from Spanish to English for all of us English-speaking parents!) and Dad

Haleigh is third from the right, standing next to Mallory.

Annaliese, dressed up as Mary.

Annaliese and Hudson (Mary and Joseph) walking around the room on their journey to Bethlehem (Belen.)

Everyone did a great job! Annaliese had several lines and she said she wasn't even nervous. Several people mentioned to me what a great accent she has and that she sounds like a native Spanish speaker!