Saturday, July 28, 2018

Hiking. Friends. Family. Good Times.

We've done a few other more intentional activities as well.

We met up with Justin and Erin Cron and their two kids for a hike in Larrabee State Park. We followed up the hike with ice cream which completes any adventure! Three trains passed by while we were there; thankfully it didn't blow it's horn when it was near us, but it was plenty loud!

Haleigh did not like being so close to it!

This summer also meant we had to say goodbye to our good friends, John and Mandi Potter. They moved to Spokane and we all miss them!

Annaliese has been reading a lot of Fancy Nancy books over the summer, and in one of her books, Fancy Nancy and her family dressed up and went out for dinner. Annaliese asked if we could do this too. Annaliese picked out our outfits and we went out for pizza. We don't go out for dinner as a family very often and it was a lot of fun!

A few weeks ago, Kelsey and I ran a 7 mile race starting in Fairhaven and ending at Larrabee State Park. Ben picked us up at the finish line and we met up with the others for a short hike. It was a bit chilly, but we still had some great views of the water and hiked past some cool rock formations.

Elias and Malachi

Practicing her newly acquired walking skills!

Ferndale has had a lot of summer activities lined up; we haven't been able to do as many of them as we had hoped, but last weekend we were excited to do Field Games. Unfortunately, Annaliese wasn't very participatory and threw quite a fit so we ended up leaving shortly after we arrived. But prior to leaving, Kyle was able to do a few games!

Summer Fun

It's hard to believe that it's almost the end of July already...and I've only written two blog posts about our summer activities! Since our camping trip to Sequim, we have stayed close to home but have filled our days with trips to the library, the park, and the beach. We've had playdates with friends, picked blueberries, and gone hiking! I've taken a few random days off work here or there and it's been a nice summer so far!

Playdate with McKinley and Cole Anderson

Jumping off the couch...yep, that's Lydia flopped out on the pillows...
and Haleigh is getting ready to jump over her!